Wednesday 2 November 2011

Prevent Childhood Obesity - Is It Possible?

We are all quite aware of the growing concern of obesity in our children today. Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in our society, and we've all heard the various statistics regarding this growing trend. But what really are the childhood obesity facts and what are we prepared to do about them?

Plain and simple these are your childhood obesity facts: our children are consistently eating too much of the wrong foods, and have become the most inactive generation in the history of our society. This is not a genetic problem (which is not to say that there are some adults and children that have a genetic and hormonal predisposition to obesity), this is for the most part a behavioural problem, and behaviours can be changed.

Think about it, is it really necessary for our children to be ingesting the vast quantity of refined sugars, processed foods, and hydrogenated fats that they do every day. Foods and beverages that are consumed in such large quantities that their bodies cannot process and eliminate at the rate that these foods are consumed. And because our children are not 'moving' any more, the results are inevitable: skyrocketing obesity rates, an alarming incidence of type 2 diabetes in children, a significant increase in childhood behavioural problems, with low self-esteem and a rise in depression rates.

These are your childhood obesity facts! The question has to asked, why are we allowing this to happen?

It certainly is not because of a lack of education or knowledge about what the proper foods are and what constitutes a balanced diet: complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, whole grains), adequate proteins, and the right amount of good fats. And we all have an idea of the benefits of exercise both from a physiological and psychological level. We may not know the specifics but we know the generalities. The information and knowledge is at our fingertips, more available and accessible to us than at any time in our history.

Our problem lies in our habits and behaviours. How can we prevent childhood obesity? Change our behaviours. It sounds so simple, yet why don't we? Because changing our habits, changing our behaviour is the most difficult thing we do in our lives. We resist change, we are creatures of habit, with the same thoughts, and the same patterns of behaviour day after day. This leads to complacency and comfortable laziness, and we pass this on to our children.

Yet we must change for our children's sake. All change begins with awareness. Once we become aware of our behaviours and the consequences of them, we can begin to make conscious choices to change our behaviour and the behaviour of our children. And yes it is a greater challenge in our society today than in past times. It is so much easier to grab a quick dinner from a fast food chain and spend hours interacting with friends on some social media network.

But if we are to change these childhood obesity facts, conscious choices must be made for our children. Behaviours can change, and when they do, the results will change, and the growing trend toward childhood obesity will change as well. Change begins with a decision to change, and that choice is ours.

Your Infant At Two Months

It is truly amazing how much a baby grows and learns the first year of his life. Those 1st couple of months see tremendous change. The 2nd month of one's baby's life is fun because you both have learned so a lot about each other and now you begin actually experiencing viewing your child grow. You can find some things you'll be able to expect within your baby's second month.

At 8 weeks your baby starts to communicate with you more. He or she is now able to focus on you and also other objects that are in front of him. You also notice that he or she has started to follow you with his eyes. He may also begin to make more sounds. Some of the sounds are merely gurgling noises yet others is going to be cooing noises, all of the sound is going to be adorable thus making you smile.

Your baby is starting to smile and laugh. So this can be a fun time simply because your infant can genuinely concentrate on you along with other objects and show his delight by smiling and laughing. Your baby will nonetheless be a little wobbly, but is getting more powerful every single day. He'll begin to hold his own head out for a few seconds at a time, even though you nonetheless have to support his head. You will also recognize that his movements grow to be much less jerky and seem to smooth every day.

Not only does your infant start to focus on items, but now he can hold on to things for brief durations of time. He will maintain onto the object and move it about, so make certain the toys you're giving him are gentle to ensure that he will not hurt himself with them.

This month is chock-full of milestones for your child will commence reaching. He turns into more social this month in that he'll begin to understand other individuals voices. Another social milestone this month is that he will begin smiling at other folks. He will also begin to sleep less this month. Your little baby is truly commencing to develop this month and become his very own small individual.

This is a fun time for you and child. This can be a time of discovery for both of you. Get time every day to appreciate your baby's growth and learning.

Enfamil Formula Need to Know

Not long ago, giving babies milk formula from day one, instead of breastfeeding was common. We now know how beneficial effect on health of the child has a mother's milk and dairy formula should be given only when breastfeeding is not available as an option. If you must use a formula, there are several different types, so you can choose.

For babies up to six months it is best to choose high adapted food, and for older or less adapted. High adapted means that the part about the quality of breast milk. The basis of most artificial food makes cows' milk despite similar nutritional values substantially different from the mother. The artificial milk has higher content of protein, calcium, potassium, sodium and other minerals, while level of carbohydrates, fats and vitamins is lower. Cow's milk is in the process of enriching essential vitamins and trace elements, and there are formulas with soy protein that do not contain proteins of animal origin.

In some countries, especially in the United States, many mothers use a formula based on soy, because it does not contain proteins of animal origin, which are associated with colic baby and insulin - dependent diabetes. Soy milk is most often used in infants older than six months with cow's milk protein intolerance, and since it does not contain lactose is given and the intolerance milk sugar and galactosemia.

If your doctor recommends, feeding baby with artificial milk, you should think about the choices, which is really best for your baby. Continue with the same milk if a child is fed in maternity hospital in a bottle, and had no problems (allergies, etc.).

Most represented in the market is milk powder, concentrated powder that is soluble in water (plain or sterile) which was heated at 50-60 ° C. This is far cheaper but it takes more time to prepare, however, there is a milk formula from cans that are just pour into a sterile vial and is ready to eat, however, is far more expensive. We also have milk bottles for single use of 125 and 250 ml, which is especially convenient for travel.

In some cases where a child has some health problems, it is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of adapted milk because there are a variety of special formulas. In the case of allergies, it is a canned milk or soy milk formula does not contain lactose, for better filing. Regardless of the problem that has your child, be sure to first consult with a physician about the choice of artificial milk, but also talk to friends and acquaintances, as you any advice about this method of feeding babies welcome.

Mothers are often not sure how the child enough food, whether to make the whole bottle or not?! Amount of milk that is given per serving as follows:

First month: 70 - 90 ml

Second month: 90 - 120 ml

The third - the fourth month: 120 - 150 ml

From fourth to sixth month: 150 - 180 ml

From the sixth month: 210 - 240 ml

World known manufacturers of artificial milk are Mead Johnson US, Nestle Swiss, Milupa Germany Danone Italy, and many more.

What To Look Out For When You Sense You Could Be The Parent Of A Troubled Teen

The term troubled teen is thrown around a lot these days, though the true definitions are not often discussed. Any mother of a teenager will tell you that they are a special brood of people. Teens tend to act very erratically due to fluctuating hormones and mood swings. So for most parents it can be difficult to determine when a kid crosses the line from being an angst-ridden adolescent to a troubled teen. Luckily, there are a few indicators we can look for to know when teen help is required.

In a lot of cases, depression is the number one culprit for a teenager's disruptive behavior, so the more you know about detecting depression the better. Despite the fact that teens are moody and often unpredictable, when they start to fall into certain behavior patterns more help is usually needed. These behaviors can sometimes just be a portion of a quick phase, but if it goes on for more than a couple of weeks then it is time to call in a professional.

If you notice your child becoming harder to deal with as far as using harsh words or violence then you should definitely be looking for any other troublesome signs that follow. If your teenager ditches their current social group and becomes a loner or attaches themselves to a different, often less favorable group then they are likely going through some hard times. When these things take place you need to question your child if possible and try to assess the situation. A teen will often ignore important things like education and friends and become very apathetic. Though it is common for youngsters to rebel, when they do so consistently it is time to seek assistance.

Teens who are suffering from depression, anxiety, and even ADHD that is left untreated often turn to forms of self medication. When your child begins to abuse these types of substances then it is definitely time to get them the help they need as quickly as possible. Though many parents claim that they were oblivious to their teen's drug problems there are almost always warning signs. Uncharacteristic sleeping patterns are some of the more obvious signs along with becoming socially withdrawn and spending a lot of time alone in their room or away from home. Drugs don't have to be of the illegal type to pose a problem, either. The drugs that most teens first experiment with come from inside their own home. It can be something as simple as beer or cough syrup, but if they can take enough of it to alter their state of mind they are abusing it.

Any adult who suspects their youngster might be a troubled teen is probably right. Most parents who start to seek help for their young one do so based solely on parental intuition. Teenagers rebel and will often reject your help at first, but later on in life they will thank you.

Potty Training 101 – Potty Seats, Dances and Regression, Oh My!

Potty training is the moment we as parents dream about. It is the milestone that will take us from diaper duty to a modicum of freedom. Sure, we still have clean up little spills, wipe bums and do laundry twice a day until the little gaffer gets the hang of things; yet we clamor towards that small light at the end of the diaper genie that seems to signify a tiny morsel of freedom. There are so many tidbits, articles, methods and products related to potty training that parents can get easily overwhelmed and confused. What is the best potty seat? When is it time? Why won’t he/she stop having accidents? Potty training time can be scary for parents and children, but there are some basics to get you on the way to kissing those dirty diapers good-bye for good (not literally of course).

Ready, Set, Go!Knowing your child is ready to start potty training is the start of your journey. The general rule of thumb is if your child is between 18-24 months old, they have the basic motor skills to start. That doesn’t mean they’re ready, however. Every child’s maturity level is different in this area and kids do not like to be rushed! Here are some signs to look for:

A general bathroom schedule– regular bowel movements and diaper changes are a good start;

Is anxious or excited to use the toilet;

The ability to get their own pants on and off;

The desire to wear underwear;

Your child knows what “poop” and “pee” are;

A general dislike of dirty diapers, feeling dirty and wet, etc.

Dry periods of several hours at a time – nap time is a good indicator

If your tyke is showing any of these signs, he or she may be ready to try the potty.

Potty ParaphernaliaAs is true with the baby product industry on a whole, there are dozens of different potty- related products to help your child through this monumental task of saying good bye to the nappies once and for all!

Potty Dolls: These dolls can help your child learn the basics of potty training while at the same time give him or her the chance to show the doll how to do it. This may give your child the little smidge of responsibility that is necessary to get them doing it on their own.

Potty Seats and Potties: There are several different kinds out there: chamber pot style, potties that turn into stepping stools, potties that congratulate kids when they’re through, and simple potty seats that fit over a regular toilet. Heck, they even make travel potty seats for those on the go! The best potty seats and potties are: comfortable, easy to use and easy to clean. Beyond that, if your kid will sit on it you’ve won a small part of the battle.

Potty Books and Computer Games: Yes, they even have computer games that feature popular kids’ characters talking about “potty time”, as well as books for your child to read up on your new favourite subject.

Potty EtiquetteEveryone has their own best way to potty train in mind when they start. Some people have smooth sailing while some start to see the good side of diapers. The biggest virtue of potty training is patience. Your child will get the gist of it when he or she is ready to do it. Reward systems are popular, but the best reward is for your little one to receive a big hug and a celebratory kiss or yes the fabled potty dance, so they can see how important it is that they learn this skill.

Negative, frustrating or angry reactions or punishments are a natural response to accidents but they will NOT help your child achieve his or goal. It is normal for kids to have accidents for about 6 months after they start. Most Canadian baby stores sell products that can take the edge off of “oopsies”.

Training pants: cotton lined waterproof underwear that hold in the wetness and remind kids they have to go.

Crib and Bed pads: for nap and night time bed protection, until they get the hang of things.

Dry Seats: an insert you can place in their car seats and strollers for travel protection.

If your child is having a rough time and constant accidents, it is time to put the training on hold. This is a hard thing for Moms and Dads to do, but necessary. Some kids don’t want to use the potty until they are around 4 years old, and although this is frustrating for parents, every child develops at their own rate. (Never compare your child’s learning to anyone else’s.) Getting into a power struggle with a toddler over bathroom habits never did anyone any good.

The bottom line is your child’s happiness and developmental well-being. Whether you choose to reward, dance or just let them run around naked for a few weeks, your child will get the hang of it. Hang in there and remember, your little one will not be wearing diapers to high school… They’ll get it, eventually!

Worrying About Your Newborn Baby

It is definitely normal for any parent to worry when they bring a new baby home. You may not have confidence in your skills yet and be nervous about any cough, red spots or irregularities. One common issue among new parents is the nappy rash that seems to affect many babies. Though it is not such a major issue, it can be if not addressed properly. Staying on top of keeping baby dry will take care of many problems including the skin irritations that are frequent in young children.

Worry is a way that parents look out for and see to the needs of their children. However, constant concern over small issues will not make things better. If you see an issue or note something out of the ordinary with your newborn, address it without panic or call your pediatrician. You can make yourself very nervous if you go

on the internet and read about sudden infant death syndrome, croup and other situations. Any respiratory problem should be looked at by a physician and monitored but keep in mind that getting a cold or cough is very common.

New parents, especially, tend to worry over every whimper or cry, blemish or scratch, but usually it is nothing but normal responses or reactions. Take care of baby, but don't stress yourself out. Most parenting books have a balance approach in helping someone know the signs of when to seek medical attention. Your confidence will increase with time and experience. Remember, that children can pick up fear and you want to help your child feel secure and comfortable. If your child does have a rash or any illness, use laughter and play to help them relax. The immune system is effected by our environment and emotions. As a parent your own judgement and

decision making process is also improved by relaxation and staying calm. It is easy to make impulsive decisions when we are very nervous.

Turning to another adult in the family by phone can be a help when you feel that you are too clouded by your emotions. You'll be able to get another perspective on your child's condition and this can help you get your balance back.

Baby Clothing You Should Get For The Baby

Congrats, you are going to have a baby! You will need lots of things for the baby. And now let the checklist making start. You want to make a couple of lists, one will be necessities that you will wish to get, along with a second list for objects that will go on your registry for the baby shower gifts you would really like to receive. Do not feel guilty about the second list. Friends and relatives want to celebrate the upcoming birth of your baby, and most wish to help you prepare by giving you baby gifts. Assist them by letting them know what you really require and want. So let’s go over the things that ought to be in your necessities list.

Clothing is the first thing for the ‘must have’ checklist. And honestly who can resist all of those sweet little outfits, but remember that babies develop quickly so don’t buy a lot of those -3 month size, and baby clothes shouldn’t be tight fitting. Also resist the urge to purchase a lot of those little socks and booties, they're adorable, however the child won't be in them long.

So what should you purchase? Let’s begin with the basics; each and every child needs onsies and bodysuits. Because this really is an everyday item you want to have 7- 12 on hand. The reason I recommend so many is that infants do get messy, so you may need a couple of every single day. Secondly those first couple of weeks at home with baby can be extremely hectic and you might not get a chance to do the laundry as often as you would like.

You need clothes for child that makes your life easier and gowns do just that. Gowns are wonderful for nighttime. Those overnight feedings and diaper changes could be a bit groggy and gowns will assist with those diaper changes. Gowns supply easy access and a great deal less fumbling. You will want seven of these on hand. Infants grow out of gowns quickly so you want to possess sleepers are on hand. Simply because you will find so several fairly sleepers available these days many moms have infants in sleepers all day long. With this in mind you will want to have a dozen of those on hand.

You see many things come and go when it comes to what is used for infants, but some thing never change and baby bibs are one of those things. Some days it'll appear much more is coming out of baby’s mouth than is heading in. Bibs help to maintain your baby clean. You want a least a dozen of baby bibs on hand and this really is 1 thing you should not worry about having too many of, you will be amazed how many bibs you'll use throughout the course of a week. One more thing to include on your must have checklist is those adorable newborn hats. These hats will help baby keep warm, and they look so cute.

There are many other things that you will want to purchase, but the above will get you started. You will purchase and obtain many adorable outfits for the new child, the best advice I can give you would be to wear them on your child. Several new moms save outfits for special occasions, only to have baby grow out of them before they had been ever worn. There will be a time soon enough when your little 1 will be vocal about what they want to put on, so take the time now to dress them how you please.